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4 Ways Chiropractic Can Provide Natural Relief For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

wrist painCarpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is a serious, painful nerve injury that affects many people in the United States. CTS occurs when a nerve gets compressed between the eight bones in the wrist called the carpal tunnel. This injury is frequently caused over time by repetitive motion such as assembly line work. It is also the most expensive work-related injury.

Symptoms of CTS include pain and numbness of the hand and wrist. There are a variety of treatment options available to those who are afflicted with carpal tunnel syndrome. These options do include surgery. For those looking for natural relief for carpal tunnel syndrome, chiropractic has become a popular and effective option.

Here are four ways patients with carpal tunnel syndrome benefit from chiropractic care.

Chiropractic care is documented to work on carpal tunnel syndrome.

While there are no guarantees that any one mode of treatment will work on every person, studies have shown strong results that back the effectiveness of chiropractic treatment on CTS.

In a growing body of evidence, the majority of participants showed significant improvement in several measures. This included range of motion, finger sensation, and pain reduction. These studies provide evidence to people suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome. Patients can feel confident in improving their symptoms when choosing to pursue a chiropractor’s care.

Austin Chiropractors provide a less invasive treatment option.

Carpal tunnel syndrome that has been left un-diagnosed or treated for a long time can be very painful. If it is too advanced to be handled with medicine, surgery may be needed. However, chiropractic often helps minimize that option to a last resort. If you’re looking for natural relief for carpal tunnel syndrome, chiropractic has shown positive results in decreasing of many of the symptoms.

Chiropractic in Austin TX offers an alternative to drugs to manage pain

As with surgery, daily doses of medicine may be a less than ideal plan when managing carpal tunnel syndrome. Some patients may suffer from issues with the medicine or you may simply not want to take daily medications.

If medicinal treatment is not an attractive option, a chiropractor appointment could be the next step. Chiropractic care often helps CTS by adjusting the patient’s elbow and spine.

Another common treatment is bracing. This technique limits the hand’s movements with the goal of allowing the wrist and tendons to heal and recover.

A chiropractor who is experienced with carpal tunnel syndrome is able to review each case individually and make solid treatment recommendations that can alleviate the patient’s dependence on managing the pain with drugs.

Allows patients to learn how to manage carpal tunnel syndrome.

Unfortunately, health problems that produce chronic pain can take a toll on a person psychologically too. Dealing with CTS can make a person feel somewhat powerless. Working with a chiropractor to relieve, control, and heal the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome empowers the patient to be able to feel ownership of managing and improving his or her health.

Workers who perform repetitive tasks daily as part of their job need to be especially aware of the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. Feeling pain, numbness, tingling, or burning in their palms or fingers may be the first symptoms of CTS. The earlier it’s diagnosed, the more effective less-invasive treatment will be.

Of all the carpal tunnel syndrome treatment choices, chiropractic offers the benefits of being effective and non-invasive. If you or a loved one are suffering from this condition, give us a call. We’re here to help!

How our Austin Chiropractor is different

You may well have seen a chiropractor before. Some of our patients haven’t always had the best experience, or they don’t like the idea of the twisting and cracking involved with regular chiropractic. Upper cervical chiropractic techniques, such as Blair or NUCCA , are a very gentle and specific way to realign the bones of the spine and relieve pressure on spinal nerves. Our Blair chiropractor in Austin says it’s a very different approach to what most people think of, when they think of ‘chiropractic’!

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